Thursday, 27 February 2020

Reading | Rugby Leauge | Fact Find

L.I: To create a video using screencastify

Today we needed to film a video on screemncastify. We had to write a easy word down like the. we had to work as a group to get this video done. We needed to have loud voices to post the video. we each had something to say. For my Rugby league form Leon, David and I Chose Rugby Leauge.this activity was Interesting because I liked working as a group

Wednesday, 26 February 2020

Fact Find

L.I to learn about something new

Today we did fact find. My group and I chose sports. We needed to find facts about Rugby league. We had to do 5 facts about Rugby. We needed to put photos and videos of rugby league. We had to attribute the photos. We did different jobs. My job was to write the questions down

In rugby league you only have 6 runs then you hand it over to the next team. There is also thirteen players on the field

3D Shapse

L.I: To create  a group image using Geometric shapes and Knowledge of rotation,  reflection and translation.

This week we needed to complete our Geometric shapes. We had to work as a group. We needed to learn about 3D shapes. we also needed to make the background 3D. It was difficult to make it 3D.  My group and I were working hard to make it in the write.

Tuesday, 25 February 2020

Descriptive Writing

L.I: describe using intrusting Language.

The ''Descriptive. Writing'' activity is used for practising using descriptive language.
The comments function is used to describe any of the gat heard photos.

There is a list of language features to help create descriptions.

the objective of the descriptive writing activity is to improve descriptive language abilities.

Wednesday, 19 February 2020

Print Design Rulse

L.I. To build an understanding of the Print Designs Rules.

Today we are looking at the area of the print design rules. Then are four areas: Composition, Layout, Colour & Text. Here I will define the areas of the print design rules.

Friday, 14 February 2020

Positive Relationships

L.I To make positive relationships.

We learned about positive relationships.

We played switch places for the energizer.

We talked about fairness and fair play.

We played pizza tag to encourage fairness and fair play.

I was happy that everyone was in the game and playing fair.

Thursday, 13 February 2020

Ti Tiriti o te Waitangi

This week we have been learning about the Treaty of Waitangi by accessing different text types and media.

In groups we needed to firstly access the information and gather the main ideas of Who, What, Where, Why 

and When. We had journal stories, website, Youtube videos and more.

We then had to summarise the information in to sentences using key words. Even though we all picked out 

different words, the main idea of the treaty are the 3 Ps.

The 3 Ps are Protection, Partnership and Participation. This is what the treaty set out to achieve.

We then had to evaluate our new learnings and think of questions that we want to find more information on.

Maritime Museum

L.I. T o study the History of NZ Maritime explores

We went to the maritime museum to find out about maritime explores.

I saw lots of boats like kayaks and waka. I found out that Sir Peter Blake was the best New Zealand sailor. I watched a video about first explores coming to Aotearoa.

I enjoy learning olden day things that I never Knew before.

Crazy Cricket Chaos

                                           L.I To develop Fundamental Movements.

                                           We did our first session of Cricket with Brian From HPPCC.
                                            I did  a session on Throwing a ball at a set of stumps. 
                                 We also did an activity where we had to hit 2 balls off cones as far as we could.
                                  Lastly we did a cotching drill with 2 balls in a big circle.
                       I was so tierd at the end from all the running. I need to work on aiming when throwing.

Tuesday, 11 February 2020

Safe Password

L.I How to make a safety password.

This week we leant how to make a safety password. The things you have to add in your safety password is symbols, lower case letters and capital letters, and numbers . My password was a random word password. The three things I need to add in my password is symbols, lower case letters and capital letters, and numbers.

All About me

Malo e lelei

My name is Naki . I am Tongan. I am in LS1 at Panmure Bridge School. I enjoy LS1 because I like learning new things. I also like spending time with my family. The subject I like is maths. When I'm out of school I like playing at the park with my freinds.