Friday, 27 November 2020

A big game of Touch

At touch rugby we carried on with the two and three man settle. We also learned how to share the ball when your on the five meter line.

Two man settle is when I have the ball and my other friend is dummy half. A dummy half is the person that is picks up the ball. First I need to run to the defender that's gonna touch me. After taking the touch I need to plant the ball so my friend can take the ball and pass it to me again.

A three man settle is basically the same thing. First I need to take the touch. Then I plant the ball. After planting the ball the dummy half quickly picks up the ball and passes it to the player that is next to him.

Then we played a game of touch. The aim of this game is to practise how to play touch, also using two and three man settle.

I really enjoyed using using three and two man settles in a game of attacking and defending. One thing I think I could work on is getting everyone involved in the game and moving straight forward to score a try.

LI:To practise the basic skills of touch rugby

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